AI Agents
AI Agent Ticketing
Request Handling Behaviour

Request Types


To perform ticketing actions in Enjo you need to add the relevant request types from your ticketing system to the Enjo AI agent.

How it works:

Once the ticketing system is connected to Enjo, you will have to add the request types. Once the request types are added, when users make requests, Enjo will automatically route requests to appropriate request forms that you add here from your ticketing system and auto-fill relevant form fields without any manual input.

Add Request Types

To add available request types,

Login to Enjo dashboard --> AI agent studio --> AI agent --> Ticketing- Available Request types- click on '+ Request Types'.

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Select the project and request type. Enjo will automatically fill in the request type description from your ticketing system. Continue to add all relevant request types in the drawer using the +Add request button. Also, add Sample requests of how users may ask or help across various topics.

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The first request type that was added to Enjo would be the default request type. The requests that the AI agent fails to detect would be added under the default request type. You can change the default request type by clicking on the ‘Make default request type’ button from the three options under the Actions column. 

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