AI Agents
AI Agent Ticketing
Request Handling Behaviour

Request Creation Behavior


Ticket creation behavior

You can customize when tickets will be created by the Enjo AI agent. There are 3 options- Auto-create, Auto-suggest and None. 

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Auto create- Automatically creates tickets either 

  1. Immediately for every message posted (or)
  2. Immediately when there is no AI agent answer (or)
  3. When a message is unattended (no AI agent or human response) for x minutes. 

Auto-suggest- Automatically suggests the user to create a ticket by adding a button to generate a request either 

  1. Immediately for every message posted (or)
  2. Immediately when there is no AI agent answer (or)
  3. When a message is unattended (no AI agent or human response) for x minutes.

None- Enjo would not create or suggest the user to create requests.

Creator as assignee

You can automatically assign the request creato as a ticket assignee when the request is created.

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Requestor as reporter 

You can make the user who posted the Slack/ Teams message the reporter. If unable to do so, Enjo will fall back to request creator as the reporter. 

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When a request is created in Slack/ Teams, Enjo will add this attribution text to the bottom of the request description.

Created by Enjo from @@@slack_message_link@@@ posted by @@@user@@@ in @@@#slack_channel_name@@@

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When a ticket is created from the Slack/ MS teams, attribution text gets added to the Description.