Guest Facilitation
Unverified users (users who are yet to connect their ticketing system account) can now create and update requests using this feature. The administrator can authorize a service account for guest facilitation. Any comment posted by guest users on threads will be added using the Facilitator's Account on behalf of the guest user. Administrators with verified accounts will continue to use their accounts for creating and updating requests. Guest facilitation will be used for unverified users only.

The guest user restriction feature would be available only if Guest facilitation is authorized.
In guest user restrictions, administrators can allow only selected users to have access to create/update requests or block selected users in the workspace to take no action on requests. The users who are blocked will not be able to create and update requests. Likewise, only the users who are allowed would have all privileges to create and update on requests.
Similar to guest user restrictions, Enjo also supports ‘Guest bot restrictions’. Administrators can allow or block guest access to specific bots using this feature.